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Making workplaces better, for everyone.

We are here to help you and your organizations eliminate the clues and cues of racism and discrimination while building a more diverse, inclusive, cohesive, and equitable corporate culture and a training program that is comprehensive, applicable, and transformational.

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The Canadian Congress on Inclusive Diversity & Workplace Equity is a national organization with access to about 300 academic & experiential experts, researchers, and facilitators in Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) that offer an end-to-end strategic framework for organizations, institutions, and the government to eliminate systemic racism from their brand, culture, systems, policies & management.

While we organize some of the largest and most impactful social justice events in the country, empowering thousands of Canadians each year to stand up for equity, we also help organizations to develop & implement short & long- term corporate EDI strategies, specialized EDI initiatives, content for Learning Management Systems (LMS), and a three-to-five-year strategic roadmap to facilitate the transformation of their corporate culture.

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We work with organizations to foster a cohesive corporate culture that is void of clues and cues of racism and discrimination by performing an EDI gap analysis which will be used to develop and implement an EDI framework and long-term strategy to sustain the continuous transformation of staff mentality and corporate processes, policies, and culture.


We exist to be a voice that will linger for generations, advocating for love, kindness, unity and the human rights and civil liberties of Canadians, while empowering people, corporations, institutions, communities, and the government to foster inclusive diversity & workplace equity.

Nous existons pour être une voix qui perdurera pendant des générations, défendant l'amour, la gentillesse, l'unité et les droits de la personne et les libertés civiles des Canadiens, tout en habilitant les personnes, les entreprises, les institutions, les communautés et le gouvernement à favoriser la diversité inclusive et l'équité en milieu de travail.

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